Fable Kitchens Acoustic Treatment

Fable Kitchens

Hi Myk, Justin, James,

Just a note to say Holy Crap, do those panels ever work. It is freaking amazing. We even discussed taking some down, it feels like it’s slow in the restaurant because there is no more constant roar. We can hear our music when the room is full for the first time and are turning up the volume to make the room have more buzz. For me, it is just too quiet!

If you ever need a reference for a potential customer in a similar situation to ours who wonders if the investment is worth it, please give them my contact. I will have them sold in two seconds.

Thanks a million, and thanks for getting them up before our big dinner on Sunday, it made all the difference for the event.


Kathy Schleyer

Owner/Manager Fable

The Results

The results impressed Kathy Schleyer immediately. “The effect is unbelievable. The servers can approach and speak to the whole table, instead of one guest at a time. Guests can hold an enjoyable conversation with each other, when before, at a table of 6 people, the two people at opposite ends of the table would have been unable to hear each other without shouting. Before the panels, we could not hear the music in the room if it was full, and we would actually turn it off so it wouldn’t add to the unbearable noise level. Now we actually turn it up to add energy to the room when we deem it appropriate, and we can hear and enjoy the music even when the room is full, yet it doesn’t drown out conversation. The effect was so dramatic, that we actually considered taking some down. But we’ve adjusted! After all, people come to dine and enjoy, not to ‘club’! Visually, the panels look great, and actually look like we added them to make the room look nicer. If people notice them at all, they never even think that they are there to help with the noise level.”